Keep Spirit and Never Give Up Guys


Did you know that Linux is a creature that can live in two worlds? The first is the natural "Text" and the second is the natural "Graphics / GUI". Linux today has a lot of "evolved", its existence has now been proved that Linux is the most adaptable creatures. In ancient times, Linux is the only living creatures in nature text only, and only certain people can maintain Linux, they are the Wizard and the Hacker. That only with gcc, bash, emacs, and other tools from the GNU, Linux was born into the world of mortal, very wild and can only be controlled by certain people only. But now, even appearing in the Linux KDE, Gnome too, BlackBox, Enlightenment, IceWM, XFCE, WindowMaker and other desktop environment that has its own beauty and convenience for the wearer who is said to lay still. But can not be denied again, the power of Linux still in the wild text or console or tty or terminal, where each user always type the mantra-mantra through a combination of commands and scripts or in the form of codes that make Linux can do many things just in one execution.
For users new to Linux, is still understandable that the use of graphics in Linux is an exciting addition to the user who is also very flexsibel easy, everything can be arranged in accordance with user preferences. Any Linux developers trying to introduce to the user who is still in the opium Microsoft to get to know Linux even further by implying that Linux is easy, just click here click there then all is done, not much different from their habits when they are still alive in the wild Microsoft is beautiful and completely easy, but in their daily life they never be separated from various problems
Linux is very powerful. For expert users or Linux Wizard or the Hacker Linux, text mode is always the top choice in conducting their daily work. They make magic spells in their terminals, they made only one execution to resolve some of the problems they face. Linux Commands which they set no arbitrary commands, so type the enter key a few times, then the target computer will "explode". Excellence is a combination of Linux commands, has been exploited by hackers since the legendary world of ancient times long before Linux was born, which since its time-sharing-Time UNIX, Linux ancestors in the 70s and 80s.
We can even now posing as them, pretending to be an expert or become the expert by familiarizing themselves are in the dark nature, that is by leaving the graphics mode and start using beautiful text mode, press "ctrl + alt + F1" then we will be in era of the 70s, where all the legendary computer world experienced periods of glory by the king of the wild world of virtual networks.
Graphics / GUI in Linux was not a problem, as we always use the xterm (terminal) or konsole (KDE) or rxvt or whatever it's called in order to familiarize themselves still lived in the text. Let me look cool, use Blackbox or Fluxbox or WindowMaker or Enlightenment, do not use KDE or Gnome. Let me look good, use the "wterm-tr-sh-fg red-bg white-sl 1500-fn lucida10" as your toy terminal, in WindowMaker or Blackbox. Familiarize yourself using "vi" or Emacs as your editor everyday, do not use the "Edit +", it is not cool. Memorize Linux commands, system calls are also a very powerful programming languages ​​like C, Perl, Shell Scripting, Java, Python and others. Practice using the stream editor like sed or awk or ed, with the stream editor you can edit files without having to open the file. note the following command:

[Root @ linux] # for data in `find / var-type f`; do cat $ data | sed 's/ / \
> / g '> $ data.bak; mv $ data.bak $ data; done

This command will search all regular files in the folder / var, and if the file contains no IP address is in it it will be changed to This is used to remove traces of the hackers who have entered into the target computer system.
(There is no magic from the above command, this is because the author was still young in the affairs of the experience).
So easy to do many things in just one execution. The above command instructs to search the files in the folder / var that may amount to hundreds or even thousands of files, and then change the string contained in the files that have been found without us having to open the file one by one, if the file number reaches hundreds files or even thousands, imagine if we have to edit them one by one just to change our log files in the system, due to the fear we will be caught off guard by the administrator.

Linux easier for all of them. If we are good at looking for internet sources of knowledge about Linux, then we will eventually prevail, and make Linux as our weapon to face competition in the world of information technology is increasingly heating up in our homeland and throughout the world, why? because we have mastered the tools are a mainstay of the hackers of the world that has become a legend for many decades in the digital nature.
The difficulty in using Linux is the beginning of our learning process in mastering what is the history of the world's information technology, namely the operating system GNU / Linux. So do not ever give up in finding out, because the hacker is a person full of curiosity and want to learn, no matter with what will happen because of his curiosity and did not care about the environment. So do not be shy to find out, quite the contrary, we should feel proud, because we are studying what is a hot topic of information technology in the world today, especially those related to security, stability and ability.
So the point is, we learn Linux is not to make ourselves, but we're doing our improvement in studying the logic-logic in the computer world in general. With Linux know we came to know that a program can be run because there is a kernel, we can also know what makes the operating system is running, we know analogies programming as well as basic concepts. Because "Linux was created hackers for hackers." (Linus Torvalds)
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